KATHMANDU, March 3: UCPN Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Thursday said that what was fault on part of Nepal that prompted India to imposed blockade to Nepal.”I would like to ask through Koshiyari ji (Bhagat Singh Koshiyari, BJP Vice Chairman) what was our fault that made India to impose blockade to Nepal,” Dahal said while addressing the inaugural ceremony of the 13th general convention of Nepali Congress in Khullamanch. He also said that such incident should not be repeated in future now.”Nepal has undergone a lot of political experiments,” Dahal said, “I would seek neighbors’ support in our political experiments.” -
Boksi in the Nepalese language. They blamed her for using black magic to make a young girl ill in Myagdi district, 400km south of the capital, Kathmandu.
“She was severely beaten with logs so that her witch’s spell would leave the girl’s body,” said a local teacher, Man Bahadur Pariyar, who with other villagers helped to rescue 60-year-old Darji and took her to the local health centre.
“This should not be tolerated. It is time we realised this [so-called] witch-craft is ridiculous and primitive,” said Pariyar.
Women’s rights activists have been battling for decades to end this form of gender violence but the problem persists, especially in the Terai region, the southern fertile plains of the country, they say.
“We are still shocked to find the incidence of women being subject to the worst form of violence – both physical and mental – at the hands of their families and local communities,” said activist Bandana Rana.
Rana’s documentary film, Witch – Myth or Reality, made nearly a decade ago, for the first time exposed the gross violation of human rights against Nepalese women accused of being witches.
Chairman and Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli stressed the need for enhanced cooperation and consensus among the political parties for securing, strengthening and institutionalising democracy. Speaking at the inaugural session of the Nepali Congress 13th National Convention at Khula Manch of the Capital on Thursday, PM Oli said his party wanted to forge alliances with all the forces for development works and upholding national unity.The people’s rights have been institutionalised and strengthened through the democratic constitution and the people have entered a new phase of economic prosperity,” PM Oli said. Underlining the need for the political parties to focus on country’s economic development and prosperity, the PM emphasised that Nepali Congress and UML, in particular, must work hand in hand while taking step forward. On the occasion, Chairman Oli said Nepal is a country made up of Himalayas, hills and Tarai, 127 ethnic groups, more than 123 languages, and that which embraced various sorts of trade from east to west, professions, culture and castes that need to be respected. -
Most Norwegian organizations have different respective concurrences with outside foundations of advanced education. These understandings are typically intended for the shared trade of understudies, specialists and educators. On the other hand, there are national projects that offer grants and different sorts of subsidizing for worldwide understudies wishing to think about in Norway. Certain limitations and requirements apply for every one of these projects. What's more, there are different stipends accessible offered by private and non-benefit associations.
Norway is turning into a famous study destination among worldwide understudies. An expanding number of Norwegian colleges and college schools are putting forth Bachelor's and Masters programs in English. It is one of only a handful few remaining nations on the planet where educational cost expense is free for everybody including universal understudies. The Norwegian Government likewise offers grant projects to take care of living expenses in Norway.
Educational cost Free Universities in Norway »
Studyinnorway.no says: Norwegian state colleges and state college schools when in doubt don't charge educational cost expenses for universal understudies. On the other hand, understudies should pay a semester charge of NOK 300-600 ($50-100) every semester. This is material for all levels, including undergrad studies, Masters projects and Ph.D. programs. Note that some state colleges and college schools may have educational cost charges for a couple particular projects. Regularly these projects are at the Masters level.
Most private establishments charge educational cost expenses for every one of their projects and courses. In any case, the expenses are normally altogether lower than those of practically identical studies in most different nations. Likewise, outside understudies don't pay higher educational cost charges than Norwegian understudies
A stray female dog in Campinas, Brazil, (not Saudi Arabia as originally reported) is being called an “angel sent from the heavens” after the homeless pet saved the life of a newborn baby boy.The dog, which was scavenging for food in a garbage dump came across the newborn who still had the umbilical cord attached.
The smart dog gently carried the baby in its mouth out of the dump, walked a few hundred feet to the closest house and handed the baby over to helpful humans hands.
There, as if asking “please help him,” the dog showed the humans the baby and left him to their care.Those people then rushed the baby to the nearest hospital and doctors carefully cared for the tiny newborn. Medical representatives said the baby boy is in great condition and was unharmed by the dog.Local residents are in disbelief that a mother would be willing to throw her newborn in the trash just minutes after giving birth. Authorities are now looking for her, the worst mother ever.Thanks to this gentle stray dog, the baby boy is alive and well today.
Almost one-and-a-half dozen organisations working for animal rights have started protesting the authority’s recent decision to transfer five rare one-horned rhinoceros from Chitwan National Park to Bardiya National Park.The Bardiya National Park is a protected area in Nepal that was established in 1988 as Royal Bardia National Park. Covering an area of 968 km2 (374 sq mi) it is the largest and most undisturbed national park in Nepal's Terai, adjoining the eastern bank of the Karnali River and bisected by the Babai River in the Bardiya District. Its northern limits are demarcated by the crest of the Siwalik Hills. The Nepalgunj-Surkhet highway partly forms the southern boundary, but seriously disrupts the protected area. Natural boundaries to human settlements are formed in the west by the Geruwa, a branch of the Karnali River, and in the southeast by the Babai River.
The US embassy in Baghdad has warned the risk of the Mosul Dam collapsing is "serious and unprecedented" and has urged people to be ready to evacuate."We have no specific information that indicates when a breach might occur, but out of an abundance of caution, we would like to underscore that prompt evacuation offers the most effective tool to save lives of the hundreds of thousands of people," the security message said. If the dam burst, floodwaters could kill 1.47 million Iraqis living along the River Tigris, the embassy said. Iraq's prime minister has said precautions are being taken, but that such a scenario is "highly unlikely".
The United States warned its citizens to be ready to leave Iraq in the event of what it has said could be a catastrophic collapse of the country's largest hydro-electric dam near Mosul.
All the nine paragliders who met with an accident in the valley have been rescued alive Tuesday afternoon. Seven paragliders had fallen in the Fewa Lake, one in Armala and another in Majheripatan after they lost control due to strong wind. The paragliders were competing in the Paragliding pre-World Cup and Open Nepal Paragliding Competition. The Paragliding Pre-World Cup kicked off in Pokhara on Saturday. Watch Paragliding in Pokhara 2015, Nepal. A documentary film by Rupak Gajurel. On the first day of the eight-day competition, the total 150 pilots from 26 countries including Nepal took part. ADVERTISING They flew to the height of 1400 meters from Sarangkot and landed at Khapaudi on the banks of the Phewa Lake.
Organised by Nepal Air Sports Association (NAA) and supported by Nepal Tourism Board, the competition has been divided into five different categories including open Nepal paragliding competition. Under the open category, each winner will be given away Rs 50 thousand, Rs 40 thousand and Rs 30 thousand respectively. Likewise, under the competition among only Nepali pilots, the winners will be awarded each with Rs 30 thousand, Rs 20 thousand, Rs 10 thousand and Rs 5 thousand respectively. Similarly, under female category, each winner will be given away Rs 30,000, Rs 20,000 and Rs 10,000 respectively.
Ukali Orali is lok dohori program aired from Image Channel. Today’s episode is Phone call where you can pick the song you like and we will play it at 12PM to 1 PM. More then 5 new Lok Geet, lok Dohori Morden Songs are played in each episode. Ghat Pratighat episode 12 directed by Prabhakar dev Sharma, written by Mukesh Bhattarai Sopaan. You can watch it every thursday 7.25 PM on Nepal television. It's a live musical program. In this program we play Nepali folk music videos and inform about Nepali culture, customs, tradition and Nepali folk music industry. We can watch this show from 1pm to 2pm live in Image channel television everyday. Audience can directly interact with presenters of the program through telephone calls. This program entertains the audiences with variety of topics each day.
The body of 19-year-old Yoruna Pun alias Neha was found in Naya Gaun, Pokhara today morning. Pun’s body was found in a half-naked state. Looking at the nature of the body, police has suspected that she was possibly murdered after being raped. The deceased’s body has a deep wound in the head and police’s preliminary investigation shows she was killed using a sharp weapon. Police Inspector Bed Prasad Joshi informed that investigation is on. He said that the body was placed at Western Regional Hospital for post mortem. Pun was an accountant at Smile Café in New Road, Pokhara. Her family had informed police after she did not return from work. Locals had informed police after seeing the body covered in a black cloth in an open area in a locality. Police suspects that Pun’s body was disposed at that place after she was murdered somewhere. Police has mobilized a team including sniffer dogs to look for perpetrators. -
Dinesh DC’s film Fulai Fulko Mausam Timilai and Bhuwan KC’s Dreams are releasing on the same day. Both of these makers are pointing their fingers to each other during the promotion of the film. Dinesh DC during press meet of Fulai Fulko Mausam Timilai said that Anmol KC don’t know acting at all. He is not a good actor. He is handsome who is best for advertisement and for paper ads rather than doing movies as an actor.During an exclusive interview he says that Anmol KC should learn acting and come to Nepali films rather than doing movies without learning acting. He also said that good face won’t work at old age so he should learn acting. He directly pointed Anmol and Bhuwan to promote his film Fulai Fulko Mausam Timilai. Fulai Fulko Mausam Timilai is produced by Dinesh DC himself which features Neeta Dhungana and Aamesh Bhandari in lead role. Watch an exclusive video interview with Dinesh DC talking about Anmol KC and Bhuwan KC.
Kantipur Daily News- Kantipur Daily News happens to be the most respected news from Nepal, giving updates from within the country and around the world. Incisive and creative, it targets the global Nepali with news that is credible, true and fast.
Nepali Congress leader Arjun Narsingh KC has announced his candidacy to the post of party general secretary.
During a programme organised at the Reporters’ Club in the Capital on Tuesday, leader KC added that his candidacy was from party senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba panel.While announcing the candidacy, leader KC said that he stood from the Deuba panel as he did not get justice from the establishment side, although he had remained on the same side for 18 years. He added that this was his final decision.
मिडिया एनपी, काठमाडौं । पछिल्लो केही समय यता अमेरिकन टेक कम्पनी एपलको नयाँ आइफोन सेभेन आउने खबर आइरहेको छ । हालैको खबर अनुसार आइफोन सेभेन लङ्ग डिस्टेन्स वायरलेस चार्जिङ्गको हुनेछ ।
साथै सार्वजनिक भिडियोमा आइफोन सेभेनमा प्यारासुट सिस्टम हुने दावी गरिएको छ । यस सिस्टमको मद्दतले आइफोन सेभेन काहीँबाट झरेपनि यसको डिस्प्ले नफुट्ने तथा नविग्रिने भन्दै फोनको ब्याक साइड जमीनामा झर्न दावी गरिएको छ ।
यसका लागि फोनमा एक चिप लगाइएको हुन्छ जुन प्रोक्जिमिटी सेन्सर लेस हुन्छ । प्रोक्जिमिटी सेन्सर अबजेक्टबाट दूरीको पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ । यो सेन्सरको लागि CO2 (कार्बनडाइ अक्साइड) चेम्बर हुन्छ । जसको मद्दतले सेन्सरको काम गर्छ । भिडियो देखाइएको छ की आइफोन सेभेन CO2 ग्याँसबाट चार्ज हुन्छ ।
जापानी ब्लग माकोटाकाराको दावी अनुसार नयाँ स्मार्टफोन आइफोन सेभेन १ एमएम भन्दा पनि पातलो बनाउन एप्पल ३.५ एमएम मोटाइवाला अडियोज्याकको ह्याण्डसेट हटाउन सकिन्छ । आइफोनको अघिल्लो ह्याण्डसेटमा थ्रि जिवी र्याम, ५.५ इन्चको डिस्प्ले हुनेछ । आइफोन सेभेन वाटरप्रुफ हुनेछ ।
जाजरकोट, १८ फागुन । सती प्रथा अन्त्य भएको करिब १ शताब्दी पुग्नै लाग्दा जाजरकोटका एक पुरुषले सोही शैलीमा आत्मदाह गरेका छन् ।
कालगतीले मृत्यु भएका दिलवर खत्रीको चिता जलीरहेको स्थानमा गई थालारैकर–८ का ६० वर्षीय मानबहादुर थापाले दन्कीरहेको आगोमा हाम फालेर आफ्नो प्राण त्यागेका हुन् ।
यो घटनाले कालीकोटबासी समेत अचम्मित बनेका छन् । लास जलिरहेको अवस्थामा एक्कासि थापाले हामफाले पछि प्रत्यक्षदर्शीले निकाल्न खोज्दा खोज्दै उनले प्राण त्यागेको कालीकोट प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
मिडिया एनपी, काठमाडौं, १८ फागुन । कसैले नगरेको काम गर्न सानै देखि इच्छुक रहेका १२ वर्षे वालक कमल बस्नेतले आज भन्दा करिब २० वर्ष अगाडि आफूलाई जादुकलामा समर्पित गर्ने निर्णय गरे । र त्यस लगत्तै नेपाली जादुगर कमल हुमागाँईलाई आफुनो जादुगुरु मान्दै उनले जादुकला सिके । आफ्नो कलालाई अझधेरै निपुर्णपार्ने सोचले उनी भारतको पून्नीय मार्केटमा पुगेर अन्य धेरै गुरुहरु संग जादुको गणित सिके ।
खोटागं मुलघर रहेका बस्नेत हाल काठमाडौंमा बसेर आफ्नो जादुकलालाई देशका विभिन्न स्थानमा पुर्याउन लागि परेका छन् । अहिलेको अवस्थामा यो कलाले उनलाई मात्र मात्म निर्भर बनाउने वाटो कोर्दै गरेको छ, । जादु देखाएर मात्रै खान पुग्दैन तर विस्तारै राम्रो हुन्छ होला उनी बताउछन् ।
जादुकलालाई मात्र हातको सफाई सोच्ने कमलले नेपालका मेला महोत्सव, पिकनिक आदि कार्यक्रममा आफ्नो कला देखाएर उनले धेरैको वाहवाहि पाइिसकेका छन् । उनले हालसम्म करिब ४० स्थानमा आफ्नो जादुकलालाई प्रर्दशन गरेको बताउँछन् ।
यिनै कमलको जादुको चर्चा विस्तारै बजारमा बढ्दै गरेका छ । अब उनको जादुलाई अनलाईन टिभिवाट पनि हेर्न पाइने भएको छ । बिनोद भुजेलको पाश्र्वसंगित रहेका जादुकलालाई अनलाइन टिभि एन. के टिभिले वितरण गरेको छ ।
मिडिया एनपी, काठमाडौं, १८ फागुन ।नेपाली तीन जना खेलाडीलाई स्पेनको मार्बेला युनाइटेड क्लवले अनुबन्धित गरेको छ ।
स्पेनको तेस्रो डिभिजन क्लब मार्बेला युनाइटेडले नेपालका तीन राष्ट्रिय फुटबल खेलाडी विमल घर्तिमगर, अन्जन विष्ट र अनन्त तामाङलाई औपचारिक रुपमा अनुबन्धित गरेको आफ्नो फेसबुक पेज मार्फत जनाएको छ ।
तीनैजना खेलाडीलाई मार्बेला क्लबले आफ्नो सन् २०१६ को यूरोपियन टुर अन्तरगत जर्मनी, होल्यान्ड र बेल्जियममा हुने खेलका लागि अनुबन्धित गरेको बताएको छ ।
मिडिया एनपी, काठमाडौं, १८ फागुन । मुलुकको प्रमुख प्रशासनिक केन्द्र सिंहदरवार नजिक फेला परेको शंकास्पद बस्तु बम नभएको पुष्टि भएको छ ।
मंगलबार मध्यान्ह हनुमानथाबाट सिंहदरबारको दक्षिणी गेट तर्फ जाने बाटोको सिद्धार्थ इन्सुरेन्सको भवन अगाडि भेटिएको शंकास्पद वस्तु बम नभएर पानी प्युरिफाई गर्ने पप्प भएको प्रहरीले पुष्टि गरेको छ ।
पानी प्युरिफाई गर्ने पप्पलाई सर्वसाधारणले शंकास्पद वस्तु ठानी प्रहरीलाई खबर गरेपछि नेपाली सेनाको बम डिस्पोजल टोली समेत घटनास्थल पुगेको थियो ।
Archana Paneru a young girl of 17 years old carrying a different aim that is not accepted by the society. She wants to be like Sunny Leone who is the Indian porn actress but now she is into film leaving the p*orn movies. Archana Paneru post the n*u%de pictures on the different website and now due to this she is becoming so popular this days. Here in this video too we can see the interview between Archana and her mother Sunita. - See more at: http://medianp.tv/interview-with-archana-paneru-and-her-mother-sunita/#sthash.ccudnKPg.dpufArchana Paneru a young girl of 17 years old carrying a different aim that is not accepted by the society. She wants to be like Sunny Leone who is the Indian porn actress but now she is into film leaving the p*orn movies. Archana Paneru post the n*u%de pictures on the different website and now due to this she is becoming so popular this days. Here in this video too we can see the interview between Archana and her mother Sunita. -
In many religions it is believed that an unhappy soul or a person who died before time because of some kind of bad reason, their soul lurk in earth and they always are looking for revenge.
There are many cases of people coming across such unhappy and unsatisfied souls.
A new ho^rro*r movie has been uploaded on YouTube which is quite similar to it. The title of the short horror movie is ‘Revenge’. In the movie a lodge owner has a very dirty eye on one of his lady workers. He looks at her in a very negative way while she works for him. One day the man gets very drunk and goes to his room to sleep. He remembers the girl again and tells one of his employees to send the girl to his room with a glass of water. The girl goes to his room and he starts to molest her. She gets r@*ped .
Few days later she tells him that she is pregnant but the man rejects her saying that she is just a servant and he would never accept her. She gets depressed and ends of committing s!^icide. A few days later the man goes to a dance bar where he gets drunks and brings a girl in his home. He gets intimate and is about to have inte*rcour$e but suddenly the soul of the girl comes and k!lls him. Later it can even be seen that the other girl is a spirit too. ‘
- See more at: http://nagrikpost.com/nepali-horror-movie-revenge/#sthash.ND6UL2Wa.cs2qd20F.dpuf
मिडिया एनपी, काठमाडौं, १८ फागुन । अमेरिकाको क्यालिफोर्नियामा विना चालक चल्ने गुगल कार परीक्षणका क्रममा दुर्घटनामा परेको छ । परीक्षणको क्रममा एक बससँग ठोक्किन पुगेको बिबिसिले उल्लेख गरेको छ ।
आफैं चल्ने कार सार्वजनिक सडकमा अन्य सवारी साधनसँग ठोकिएको यो पहिलो घटना भएको पनि बताइएको छ । सो दुर्घटनाको माउन्ट भ्यूस्थित गुगलको मुख्यालयको आसपासमा दुई हप्ता अघि भएको हो । बिना ड्राइभर चल्ने गाडी बालुवाको बोराहरु नजिकबाट गइरहेको गाडीसँग ठोकिएको हो । दुर्घटनामा कसैलाई चोटपटक भने लागेको छैन ।
बसलाई ठक्कर दिने बेलामा गुगल कार तीन किलो मिटर प्रतिघण्टाको रफ्तारमा गुडेको थियो भने बस २४ किलो मिटरको प्रति घण्टाको गतिमा चलेको थियो । गुगल कारमा रहेका मानिसका अनुसार बसले गति कम गर्ने आफ्नो सोचाई गलत भएको बताएका छन् । उनले बसले गति कम गर्ने सोचाइका कारण सेल्फ ड्राइभिङ कम्प्युटर आफुले नचलाएको बताए । तर बस उही रफ्तारमा चलिरह्यो ।
घटनापछि गुगलका अधिकारीले क्यालिफोर्नियामा रहेको यातायात व्यवस्था विभागमा के कस्तो कारणले दुर्घटना भएको हो भन्ने विषयमा छलफल गर्ने जनाएका छन् ।
- See more at: http://medianp.com/2016/03/80815.html#sthash.WC30hFIC.dpuf
The title of the song is Maileta Hasera and it is a very romantic and emotional love song. The singer is trying to express the things that he would do for his love and he would die and break down if he had to be seperated from the love of his life. He even says he would even be angry with god if he would ever hu*rt of make her $ad.